Underclassmen Awards
There was standing room only in the Whearty Theatre on Wednesday May 17, 2023 for Westlake’s annual Underclassmen Awards Ceremony. Principal Keith Schenker welcomed students and families with the famous and appropriate Winston Churchill quote, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Mr. Schenker praised them on the well-deserved recognition for hard work, second to only to their desire to succeed. He then invited up curriculum leaders to present awards in art, math, English, music, PE & health, science, and social studies as well as from guidance (American Legion, HOBY, community service, and the 2023 West Point Dwight D. Eisenhower Leadership Award), student council, and book awards from Elmira College, Harvard, RPI, RIT, St. Michael’s College, Wells College, and Wesleyan.
Congratulations to all our winners!